Even as the most prolific bloggers among us question the friendships the blogs have spawned, there remain certain friendships which ill deserve time under the harsh light of doubt. One among the vast number of friends I’m grateful to have made through blogging is Sheroug of 8bits of cofee fame.
This is in honor of Sheroug, who a few days ago, said her I dos. For Sheroug, who held firm on what she wanted and had the backbone to stand up for it, you are a harbinger of hope for everybody struggling to piece together the courage to want something more than what the present dishes out. She’s also the only woman I know who’d consider a dose of Valium to steady herself for the big day, she’s been unabashed about animals with rears the shape of hearts and an affinity to caffeine that is rival to none. Sheroug tagged me to blog a certain number of trifling details about myself well over a year ago and I’ve had this post humming in my drafts since. My edits are in brackets.
1. I started off my university life wanting to be an economist but was coerced into doing languages instead.
2. Studying languages has been a coercement well worth its infringement of human rights.
3. I’ve become rather scatter-brained. It comes from having too many windows open and an unwavering faith in the capacity for women to multitask better than men.
4. I’ve just eaten a packet of Doritos Taco. Too much junk food does not intelligible writing make. (I’m drunk on jasmine infused green tea)
5. Everybody knows I’m a bibliophile, it’s become a bit of a pressured position, some people expect me to have read everything.
6. Oh, and the quotations thing, but everybody knows that as well.
7. I am an ardent believer in, “An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.”….
8. I can’t be too honest about myself here, too many of you know me now, I can’t destroy the well formed opinions.
9. My favourite poem, Stars by Emily Bronte
10. Joint favourite, Mirror by Sylvia Plath
11. I’ve become cluttersome.
12. I coined that word, “cluttersome”, to describe my habit of shoving in my paper tray all things that look too painful, too tiresome, or that would require more than one braincell to digest. Cluttersome and blehringitis, my buzzwords for the moment. (All proceeds from blehringitis to be sent to Crimson Shimmer)
13. This is the view from my bedroom window. (I look out to a garden and pool on most days)
14. I am disconcerted by the absence of the sound of water crashing into the pool.
15. I have no idea what next year holds for me. (It’s been a year most kind to me in some ways with some unforeseen kicks to the guts)
16. I am about to turn down an excellent job offer, one that I’d always wish for. (I’ve done that again a couple of weeks ago)
17. Because I want to spread my wings a little next year. (Because I am betrothed to me magazine)
18. Or I might have them clipped too, well if it’s an ever after kind of clipping.
19. I’m being more cavalier here than I’d ever dare to be in reality.
20. Gosh, that’s a whole twenty bits of nonsense!
Allah ma3k ya habibti.