Choose an identity
Feministically, Muslim, Muslim Woman
Stand at the buffet with an overfull stomach
And pick one.
Choose an identity
Mutually, Online, Offline,
Kneel at the wheels of a duplicitous soul
And pick one.
Choose an identity
Scholarly, Capricious, Rapacious
Sway like the bow of an ungodly schooner
And pick one.
Choose an identity
Forlornly, A Friend, A Lover
Sit with Ulysses in another world’s summer
And pick one.
Ek weier om te kies/I refuse to choose
It’s too much bloody work
And I’m tired now.
3 replies on “Enter smart sounding identity quotation here.”
>Here are 2 options for you habibti
– Be yourself and pay for it
– please everyone else and pay for it
>Khadija, sunny, bright and effervescent, Khadija is tired. Give her some freedom.
>The age old question: Who am I?
I wanted to do a poem on this to the effect that you can never define yourself.
I enjoyed this. It touches something in me – the way all good writing should.