Poetic Leanings

Enter smart sounding identity quotation here.

Choose an identity

Feministically, Muslim, Muslim Woman

Stand at the buffet with an overfull stomach

And pick one.

Choose an identity

Mutually, Online, Offline,

Kneel at the wheels of a duplicitous soul

And pick one.

Choose an identity

Scholarly, Capricious, Rapacious

Sway like the bow of an ungodly schooner

And pick one.

Choose an identity

Forlornly, A Friend, A Lover

Sit with Ulysses in another world’s summer

And pick one.

Ek weier om te kies/I refuse to choose

It’s too much bloody work

And I’m tired now.

3 replies on “Enter smart sounding identity quotation here.”

>Here are 2 options for you habibti

– Be yourself and pay for it
– please everyone else and pay for it

>Khadija, sunny, bright and effervescent, Khadija is tired. Give her some freedom.

>The age old question: Who am I?
I wanted to do a poem on this to the effect that you can never define yourself.

I enjoyed this. It touches something in me – the way all good writing should.

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