So the ANC’s finally reigned in Motormouth Malema. According to Independent Newspapers, Malema’s silence during the political turmoil of the few past days prompted reports that he had been instructed by the party leadership to tone down his rhetoric. But when contacted about the matter by the Cape Argus on Wednesday, Malema would only say: “Ask the ANC, not me.” I remember the chaos that ensued from the youth league conference where Malema was elected, a stabbing incident and controversy surrounding the ballots with allegations of rigging , and through all this uncertainty, Malema was declared the new head of the ANC Youth League. Apparantly, JZ himself been embarrassed by Malema’s outbursts and irritated at the resultant effort required to explain them.
According to The Citizen, Ma’Mbeki, mother of ousted President Thabo Mbeki revealed that after a 60 year affiliation with the ANC, has cut all ties with the organisation while pledging her support for the rumoured splinter party backed by the likes of Gauteng Premier, Mbazimba Shilowa, Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota and his deputy Mluleki George. You and me both, Ma’Mbeki, you and me both… I can’t bring myself to vote for a bunch of political thugs or as Moeletsi Mbeki so succinctly put it, ‘A motley crew of know it alls’.
I’m eager to see who our new President appoints to his cabinet, especially since Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi also tendered her resignation as an MP today.
Originally posted to Makutano.
2 replies on “>Limping in a state of limbo”
>I disagree. Transparency is an irretrievable facet of any democratic governement.
Remember the irony of all democracies is that it must uphold the rights of minorities.
>A media circus.
I still think media should not be gioven so much freedom.. Govt should restrict what they convey to ppl