Brazen started this. Aasia tagged me.
- My vaio. Almost a year old. Self-financed. My pride and joy.
- Green tea infused with jasmine. The scent alone has me hooked. I know it sounds all healthy like but I’m certain anything in abundance is a no-no. I tried channelling my coffee addiction to green tea, for caffeine purposes, thinking it was a step in the process of weaning myself off it, but helas some things are not meant to be.
- Blogging and related activities: Such clever people you all are.
- Books, buying them, reading them, filling my life with them. At the moment I can’t get enough of the Penguin recycled paper classics. Assuages my guilty conscience at having to see butchered forests and the pithy attempts at making amends during the annual trip to Mpumalanga.
- Mmmm mmmmm mmmmmm, let me think about this for a minute. Do I have to have a fifth addiction? Can I be addicted to procrastination? Well I am a chronic procrastinator. I’m not sure how well it qualifies as an addiction, but it is a habit I can’t shake off. ‘Ill habits gather unseen degrees, as brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas.’ John Dryden…. Now that I think of it I’ve been receiving way too many remarks on my quotation tendency, maybe that should have been number five but I’m too lazy to redo it all. Tomorrow, maybe.
I’ll be tagging Waseem, 8bitsofcoffee, Safiyyah (I know you’re really busy but do come out to play with us) and Sameerah (family loyalty ;p)
And the rules are:What you need to do:
* Post at least five current addictions (with some details please).
*Mention the person who started this game of tag (i.e Being Brazen) and also the person who just tagged you.
*Type your post with the heading “Current addictions”.
*Tag at least two people and pass on the above rules
13 replies on “Current Addictions”
>I’ve added ur blog to my RSS feeds,so I don’t miss a single post! While blogging earlier, I came across a cartoon on procrastination and thought of u. Have a look at it on my blog;) An apt illustration.
>Ah damn..
i knew that post would come back to haunt me
>lol… your cheek pinching post ;p very cute
>Freaky indeed..
New info i learnt about Waseem also.
And ssshhh bout tomoro.. We dont say anything..
BTW how did u know im a LFC supporter
>waseem, a trying experience indeed… and one that invites harrassment too.
Here’s hoping tomorrow does not ensure such opportunity… hope..
>I’m a liverpool fan too, though it is quite a trying experience at the best of times
>killa, It’s freaky!
lol at my comment…’now we have the vaio and a penchant for LFC in trouble…’ I meannt.. ‘in common… this could be trouble’
>U an LFC fan too.. Scary
>killa, oh gosh, now we have the vaio and a penchant for LFC in trouble… :S
globalcitizen and nooj, *blush, blush* point taken 😉
tazeen, I disagree… Although I think there are some soul enriching endeavours that could be called ‘good for you’
>Addictions are good, they keep us human
>def quotations are ur addiction
and changing your header with profound pics
this tag is like a craze…
>Yes, quotations should’ve been on top of the list. 😛
>I didnt read beyond Nr 1..
U like a VAIO… Im ur new best friend.. Screw MAC Users..