I’m wondering about us, y’know, us, the legion of dispassionate, somewhat educated, laptop-wielding, gourmet fare-quaffing, self-appointed purveyors of social correction: Quick to the fault of the way things are and even quicker to advocate the way things ought to be, complete with road-map attached. Surely, we cannot be held blameless in the grander scheme of things. If the faults of society are so glaringly obvious to us, then what of our own shortcomings as a faction, as a clique, as a generation? Do we choose to be blissfully blinded to them? Are our own shortcomings not as glaringly obvious to the society we happily critique?
2 replies on “Looking into the mirror that is ‘ink’”
>Good post.
wise words here and sadly very true.
one eye should always be kept as a mirror for the other.
and thank you for your comment…
touched i am 🙂